How To Fix Your Daily Standup

The daily standup is probably the most common team meeting in the world. What started as a strange practice for software developers using something called 'AGILE' has morphed it's way in to everyday usage across most industries. I’ve combined lessons learned from my 20+ years experience in the software industry to share tips for how to fix your daily standup

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HR for Engineering Teams

It was two minutes in to my first 1-to-1 meeting with one of my team members at my new job. As one of the first management hires outside of the existing founders I had given an explanation of what my role is when I was met with a comment-masquerading-as-a-question: So you're just kinda like HR for Engineering?

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Playing Games at Work

Playing games at work is something I recommend to everyone trying to build a high performing team. A good old fashioned fun gaming session has a number of benefits and creates a great fun culture and friendly atmosphere at work. We recently instigated a gaming culture and we're seeing fantastic results...

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Value First, Price Second: How to make good decisions in life (and software development)

When making decisions, jumping to the price as the first mechanism for comparison is a common mistake we all make. Everybody has done it at some point already and I am willing to bet most people resort to price as their default assessment most of the time. I know I do.

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One Task a Day

OTAD (One task a day) is another productivity tip that is a MUST-HAVE for anyone busting their arse on a side project. Whether you are a writer, painter, entrepreneur, singer, musician, programmer, or just planning a holiday, building a treehouse, learning to cook, renovating your house, or some other project in your life. OTAD will help you

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